Regime Endurance War

June 4, 2023 at 7:01 pm (tWP) (, , , , , , , , , , , , , , )

In the 1960s, the babyboomers came of age and rebelled radically against post war conservatism. They fought for counter-culture and to this day seek to ‘smash the patriarchy’ by destroying the traditional patriarchal society. In time, the same generation that despised traditionalism and looked with envy to the maoist or korean models in the streets of 1968 Paris, this generation came to power.

With Tony Blair, Bill Clinton, Cohn-Bendit and Henry-Lévy firmly in power, the revolution finally started against traditional values, this time not led by the streets but rather by governments. Top-down, the revolution gradually eroded old family and social values and gradually installed progressive totalitarianism. Schools became marxist indoctrination camps, the free media was corrupted into propaganda tools, unregulated media was censored, sovereign debts exploded, internationalist wars were declared and pursued across the planet, colonial territories were abandoned, resource rich assets were overlooked. The elites carrying out the revolution were rewarded with cushy fat cat jobs in QuaNGOs or international institutions – bodies that were expanded and now represent more normative authority than nation states. How does this connect to Ukraine?

The truth is that no Western state has anything to gain by helping Ukraine which is a territory bereft of any major resources, nor has Ukraine ever belonged to the sphere of influence of any major Western power. If Ukraine were to win the war, what would the West get? The altanticists have run Kiev over the past 8 years but have very little to show for their efforts. Victoria Nuland admitted the US had spent billions in Ukraine prior to 2014. Now an additional 100 billion have gone in. What is the ROI on those amounts? Are Ukraine’s cereals and gas transit fees supposed to compensate for all of that? How many centuries would that take?

Demagogic democratic politicians don’t even have an incentive to spend political capital on a war which from the onset is stacked against Ukraine and in favour of Russia; not to mention they would never risk their own troops against Putin’s army. Mere jingoism doesn’t cut it as motivation since Ukraine was always expected to lose the war and propping her up with funding was unsustainable for economies which are already bankrupt. Thus, going jingoistic over a loosing bet makes no sense either. The truth is that if the socialist propaganda media had chosen to cover the war the way they covered Yemen or Karabakh, there would not have been ukrainian flags or solidarity concerts throughout the Atlantic world; no one would have batted an eye for an exotic conflict that only experts in elite think-tanks bother writing essays about.

This is a regime endurance war since the purpose of the war is one of regime survival. The negative consequences of a ukrainian defeat are not reflected on Western national interests or domestic party politics. The negative consequences are reflected instead on progressivist totalitarian elites and the system they have built since 1968. If Ukraine is defeated, that will mean that progressivist organisations which have been sacralised since 1989, are useless. NATO, the EU, the Soros modeled NGO networks, ‘International Law’, all of it will have been symbolically defeated by a regressive traditional patriarchy. The ‘green’ economy minded, diversity and equity driven system will have competed and been found wanting facing a simple capitalist conservative nationalist regional power. The fear that emanates from Brussels is one of facade colapse. This loss of face will completely undermine the narrative of inevitable scientific linear evolution towards the progressive utopia. Without that utopia, the critics of the structures which enrich the atlanticist transnational elites will find fertile ground to argue against the progressivist establishment and defund the cosmopolistan.

Daniel McCarthy wrote in 2018: “(…) elite centre-left opponents. They see Russia as a symbol of hopes destroyed, of a post-Cold War order aborted by the rise of an authoritarianism that defies the logic of the end of history. Putin’s Russia is hated in ways that the fundamentalist Saudi Arabia is not because Russia is moving backwards. Liberalism’s [Progressivism’s] ideological victories are supposed to be permanent, and its entire mythology collapses if time’s advance is no longer synonymous with progress“.

As the war effort is led by universalist neolibs/neocons, and these subscribe to the domino theory, no one conflict can be lost to an ideological oponent, even if such oponent is not universalist himself. The withdrawal from Afghanistan was criticised by the progressivist technocracy but they understood that Kiev would be far more vital to their interests than the backwards Asian deserts. Since the establishment is currently a revisionist one, any defeat to an inferior orthodox is seen as a mortal danger for the maintenance of the ‘achievements’ thus far attained. One can only hope.

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